Although there are a lot of jokes about Viagra, male sexual dysfunction is a significant issue. A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that men with chronic gum disease were three times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than those with healthy gums. Men with this problem may want to consider a dental consultation.
Do you have trouble restraining from the onslaught of rich foods and drinks we typically enjoy during the Holiday season, which kicks off in a few days? For those of us who over indulge, it can be tough on your whole body, including your teeth. Here are a few thoughts which may help: 1. If you are going to graze,... read more »
This year seems to be the year of regenerative medicine, which can involve the application of stem cells and growth factors in order to replace or heal tissues in your body. After being motivated by many lectures, journal articles and hands-on learning experiences, this past week we brought regenerative medicine to reality in our office. During 2 surgical procedures we... read more »
We see quite a few patients who have the urge to chew ice (pica), which is destructive to the teeth but also can indicate a mineral nutritional deficiency. This is most commonly related to iron deficiency anemia. The web site (Michael Greger, MD), had an interesting post about the delicate balance of iron in our bodies. Too little iron... read more »
A recent article published in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2012) reports that frequent consumption of energy drinks may lead to excessive bleeding in some people. Energy drinks, including Monster, Reload and Hype contain caffeine and certain herbs such as ginseng and guarana seed extract. These herbs have been shown to decrease clotting and increase bleeding time with... read more »
I just returned from the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. As always this was a great experience and well worth the time and travel. One presentation I found particularly interesting was research from UCLA that showed mice fed a higher fat diet had poorer post surgical healing of dental implants than those fed a low... read more »
Energy drinks and sports drinks are very popular today. Most people do not realize these drinks, if consumed on a regular basis can cause permanent damage to your teeth. A recent study published in General Dentistry and covered in our local newspaper highlights the erosive damage to the outer protective enamel layer of the teeth. Once the enamel is gone,... read more »
My last blog post stimulated a lot of questions and comments. The Crest Pro-Health line has an active ingredient called Stannous Fluoride, which seems to be responsible for staining certain peoples’ teeth. We have some patients who diligently floss and brush every day, and continue to have persistent staining of the teeth. Crest Pro-Health products seem to be the culprit.... read more »
Our dental practice has recommended and applied many products from Proctor and Gamble for a lot of years, but recently we have recommended our patients discontinue the use of Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash if they notice any unusual staining of the teeth. We have become aware of persistent brown stains of the teeth associated with this mouthwash. Although the staining is... read more »
When you see your dentist, an important part of our routine examination is to check for evidence of cancer. The skin of your head and neck, including in your mouth may have moles or spots that can become cancerous. When you become aware of these spots, you should monitor them for any changes. If changes occur, consider having the area... read more »